
Hop to the page for the Thailand Retreat coming up this February 6-12.  Masahiro will teach Tai Chi Chi Kung, Variations of the Microcosmic Orbit and many other wonderful things.  Here’s a direct link:

Thailand 2024

Why I call what we do “TaoZen Life Practice”
What is the purpose of TaoZen Meditation?

I’ve been calling our practice “TaoZen Life Practice” for a long time. As you may remember, it consists of Meditation, Breathing Techniques, Qi Exercises (such as Taichi and Qigong, and Chi Nei Tsang), and Life Empowerments. I’ll explain these five petals of TaoZen in more detail sometime soon. Today, I would like to talk about the purpose of our practice. Someone like me can’t really comprehend the real purpose of Meditation. The real purpose is far too big and vast for me. But that’s why it’s worth doing every day with quiet passion. Asking ourselves about the real purpose of Meditation is like asking what the real purpose of Love is. It is so big. That is why it’s worth it. But we need some tangible purpose to understand it in our daily life. For many years, I’ve said we practice “to live our life authentically” and “ to be a life artist “ With and through Meditation, I’m trying to do that. I’m trying to live my life as authentically as possible and be an artist of my life. The process doesn’t have only one right way or one result. It’s always a process of trial and error. I came across Meditation and Taichi very early in my life. (I would like to talk more about that sometime too.) Back then, it was just for myself and my private practices and learnings. I wasn’t interested in teaching or sharing with others, but I was pushed to teach and share. Through teaching, I realized that life is much better when sharing and practicing with others. Without friends, life means very little. We need other people and nature to live. That’s why I share the practice and have tried to create a TaoZen community. Our purpose is not only to be good at Meditation, Taichi, or Chi Nei Tsang, but to live well with each person’s integrities. That’s the reason I call what we do TaoZen Life Practice.I believe to live well, or even to die well, we need good practices and friends.

~Masahiro Ouchi, January 2023

More About TaoZen Life Practice…

When we open ourselves to the Openness (Nothingness or Zen state), the real effortless stream (or Tao) is coming through us. This is the TaoZen Life Practice; it is a non dual healing practice to bring total health, joy, and strength.

When your body, mind, and soul harmonize – translucent radiant Spirit can shine into your life like a powerful beam of light – through a clear plate of glass. We have all experienced the occasional flash of intuitive knowledge that illuminates The Way with questionless certainty. During these magical moments, your life self organizes with effortless flow – things feel just right.

How can you develop this rare heightened state of awareness into a permanent condition, accessible at will? Join Masahiro Ouchi (Senior Instructor, Founder, and Director of Healing Tao Center of New York, Founder of the TaoZen Association.), his staff, and the TaoZen Community in extraordinary courses, workshops, and special events designed to help you develop the ever present awareness — awareness of non dual lucidity that Masahiro calls TaoZen .

Each one of your bodies – the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic – is a gateway that leads to a harmonized Spirit. When any one of these bodies is unbalanced the entire Self System becomes disordered. Then Spirit can no longer manifest Intuition consciously. At those times, important decisions are made by rigid logic – or by animal instinct. Impulsive life choices made in the absence of spiritual awareness are usually misguided and wrong headed.

The courses offered (that make up the System of the TaoZen Life Practice) will help you develop the practical awareness and skills – to make life choices that are in accord with your higher good. During each course, workshop, and/or special event, Masahiro and his staff will focus on the powerful transformative practices intended to bring a core aspect of your being into complete alignment with Spirit. Each class starts with a fun and easy Qigong and ends with a short TaoZen meditation.

Integrated Spirit-in-Action is the essence of these practices. Come learn how to embody TaoZen. Take an individual class or take a whole series. No matter what you decided – it will be a step in the Total Healing and Empowerment of your Body, Mind, and Spirit.

Founder Masahiro Ouchi talking about why he decided to begin holding our Annual Retreats again.  For details about the place, schedule, transportation and fees, hop here:


In this second video, Masahiro goes deeper into what our retreat will be about this year: